CTI Certification Coaching
I am currently not accepting any new Certification clients at this time.
I’d highly recommend that you consider one or more of the following Certification Coaches for sample sessions, so you can find a great coach for your Certification journey. Simply click on their image or name to learn more or to contact them.
Your Certification Coach is required to be a PCC or MCC with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
To learn how to find clients for your Certification journey, scroll down to 24 Ways to Find Clients below.
Specializing in authentic, revenue-generating brand and business development for the personal, professional and financial empowerment of women everywhere. Certified Mediator, Parentology Coach, Writer & Former National Radio Show Host.
Specializing in Mental Fitness and living your full potential.
Specializing in coaching your best life experience through self, others, and everything around you - including nature - without limitations.
Specializing in Leadership Development and team empowerment.
Specializing in Emotional Fitness. Creating deep connection to the wisdom of your heart and instincts - to live your soul’s purpose.
24 Ways to Find Clients
I’ve put together an eBook called 24 Ways to Find Clients for coaches planning to participate in CTI’s Certification program. Simply click on the link above or the photo below to be taken to it.
The 24 Ways to Find Clients eBook may be freely shared “as is” as long as:
You share that I am the original author (attribution).
You do not charge anyone for it (non-commercial).
You do not change or delete any of it, or rewrite it & claim it as your own (derivatives).